Sunday, November 9, 2008

choosing a template....

has been much harder than choosing a name or whatever other decisions i had to make to start this blog. well anyway, after no further ado, here i am. what? that's it? no applause or flowers or anything ?! for crying out loud... i guess i'll have to be content with amusing myself. and this may be just what the dr ordererd.


Laura Jayne said...

Bravo... bravo... bravo... (close your eyes and imagine applause now)

justsomethoughts... said...

i did. and i even took a bow. thank you....thank you.....thankyouverymuch....

Jenners said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog...I am now returning the favor! I am new to blogging too. Some advice that I got that you might find helpful is:

1. Create a "mission" for your blog -- if only in your own mind. What is your blog about? What types of things are you going to write about? Then start writing.

2. You are right that you have to comment and participate in other blogs. I've been told by several experienced people that this is the surest way to begin attracting people to your blog.

Today, in fact, there was some great information on the C. Beth blog about this very topic. Check it out. (I would link to it but I'm not sure how).

I think there are other blogs out there about blogging to help you get started. I'm going to try and learn more myself.

Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope you come back again another day!