Thursday, December 11, 2008

something blue, something new....

my dad got into a car accident since the last time we convened. which is a large part of why i've been absent. he was walking across the street minding his own business and WHAM! the MF hits him. he rolls up the hood and plants his shoulder through the windshield. he is a tough SOB, and i'm glad he's ok, more or less. fractured his fibula, and got banged up all over. now he's getting around with a walker.
the other part of my absence is due to the fact that i got a part time job. woohoo. hard to contain my enthusiasm. but i'll try to tone it down. it may even be contagious (the enthusiasm. no one else wants this job). who knows...
i'm toying with the idea of starting a second blog. this may be a cardinal sin and particularly for the neophyte such as myself. but i do want to write some poetry and get some feedback. and this blog doesnt seem to be the proper forum. this is supposed to be for....well....i dont know what its called, but it aint poetry. so i'm thinking i'll just start a second blog that y'all can take a peek at if that sort of thing suits your fancy.
ok. now on to checking your comments since my temporary departure.


creative kerfuffle said...

i'm sorry to hear about your dad, but glad he's (for the most part) ok.

and go on w/ your bad self and start a poetry blog. i think that would be cool. i just throw all of my crap together and on the rare day i've posted a poem there are crickets chirping on my site. but, that's ok too : )

Yo said...

sorry about your dad! what a tough guy. shoulder through the windshield, eh?

i have .... omg, four blogs? no way. holy crap. four blogs. and i ignore three of them. i started two at the same time. one of which i'm still using, the other one dedicated to my grief after my dad died. i haven't publicized that one. it scared me when i read it again after not visiting it for a while. i started the third one dedicated to my life as a stepmom, and the fourth one to rant and vent about things i didn't want my name attached to.

i've gone through blogger, wordpress, and typepad. i wish i'd stayed with blogger. wordpress doesn't let you change your blog around very much, typepad charges you for things that are free in blogger. guess which blogs i haven't posted in months, much less years? seriously, remembering the passwords and the urls and the subjects, and by the time i see all of my blogs, i forget what i want to write.

i suggest (and this is only me, here), sticking with blogger at least. i also suggest (instead of creating a whole new blog), using blogger's "categories". you can have a link to your posts that only have to do with poetry. separate, but equal.

again, that's just my suggestion. and don't start with wordpress or typepad. once you go there, you can't import back to blogger.

but that's just me =) if you start a poetry blog, i will totally read it =)

Unknown said...

Wow. Hope your dad is okay. How awful.
Definitely do a second blog. I love poetry and would definitely check it out! Good luck!

justsomethoughts... said...

CK - i WILL go on with my bad self. just as soon as i figure out how to do it and what to call it.

MCPWD - love the name. maybe one day you'll share the origin... yep. my dad, he's a tough guy. that's where i get it from *smirk*. i see people that have more than one blog. i think i'm gonna give it a shot. we'll see how it goes. it's not light fluffy smiley stuff. so we'll see what all y'all think...

cinnamon - thanks for the vote. i'm looking forward. just ned to get my A$$ in gear on this one.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he recovers quickly and I'm glad he is mostly okay.

justsomethoughts... said...

hautepocket - thank you. he's getting there.

Yo said...

i change my pants while driving when in a rush from one place to another. i thought i was pretty original, then i saw an allstate commercial and the president on 24 was talking about people who did dumb stuff while in the car... mr. changes pants while driving drove by him in his boxers while trying to pull on a pair of pants.

i haven't done it in a while.