Saturday, January 30, 2010

in the beginning

he was your desire
you made it so
made him so
in your image
a god
among gods
brutally so


Irish Gumbo said...

Creation getting away from the hands of the creator.

Or getting away, plain and simple...

secret agent woman said...

The beginning of the end without closure?

Anonymous said...

simple. straight to the point. but now i want to get into your head and see the bookends. - G

Monkey Man said...

Too much in His image. Apparently we all want to be God.

Marla said...

I wonder ...

JoJo said...

Hmm. Thought of how I feel about Vincent D'Onofrio, reading this. Esp. in "Crooked Hearts" & "Mystic Pizza". ;)

Brian Miller said...

nice. we can make gods out of the most insane things. particularly people. who will never live up to it.

The Dental Maven said...

Blind or excessive devotion never lasts and it's dangerous when it's occurring.

val said...

Well. JoJo, it certasinly made me think of the lovely Mr D'Onofrio.

creative kerfuffle said...

those that we make into gods never, ever live up to what we expect and yet we still can't get them out of our minds, even if it is a very tiny, small dark part of our minds. we always hold out hope that some day they will become what we expected.
and i love vincent d too.

Lola Sharp said...

Tulpa gone wild.


Unknown said...

Mr. Staypuff the Marshmallow Man
first thing I thought of

Peace ~ Rene

Brian Miller said...

just stopping by...had not seen an update in a while and thought i would check on you...

Unknown said...

dude, where are you?
just nod if you can hear me

justsomethoughts... said...

irish - pretty much

secret - indeed

georgina - trust me, you dont

monkey man - yep. a shame, no?

marla - do it out loud

tamil - thank you

jojo - not ringing a bell

mr miller - yep. they dont.

maven - indeed it is.

val - still not...

creative - well said

lola - yes. in a word.

rich one - always go with the first instinct

mr miller - thank you

richer still - you are only coming through in waves...

Lola Sharp said...

I know you're still with us, because you, Tulpa-Dude, left me a comment the other day...

But, I'm a tad worried about you.
I am hoping that your no-posting situation is because you are so busy frolicking around in giddy I'm-Free-To-Love-Someone-Nicer glee and/or some clever debauchery/Tulpa Gone Wild the Mardi Gras Edition type antics.

Make it a wonderful weekend!

♥ Braja said...

well done....

Captain Dumbass said...

Dude, it's been two weeks. Time to shake the money maker.

Lola Sharp said...

Where are you?

Are you still frolicking?

You're being missed.

Unknown said...

hope you are OK and up to your neck in bliss :)

Peace ~ Rene

austmanofgod said...

can you sing this song for me?

♥ Braja said...

yeah, like, where'd you go?

Beth said...

Was it something I said?

Marla said...

I am beginning to get a complex. You don't want that on your conscious do you? Timmy,come home!

Kate said...

You stopped blogging.

PandaSafia said...

where areeee youuuu?!
i miss you man come back!

Krëg said...

Aw, man. I didn't know you wrote poetry. Remind me to mock you for that later.